Wednesday, July 29, 2009

put in your orders....

well, i thought i would blog a lot more when i wrote in march, but i obviously havent had the chance. but i am going to try again.

i am excited to announce that the baby chickes are on their way. bill ordered 20 some odd new chickens the other day and we are just waiting for them to arrive at the post office. i dont know how i got suckered into 20, but it happened. so, we are going to have to make some additions to the coop, like more roosting space and also a bigger fenced in area. i am really looking forward to the new chickens as we are going to have several different breeds this time. this means hopefully i can tell them apart this time and also a variety of egg colors. by my calculations we should be getting eggs in november, so if you want to buy some local eggs, please just ask as we will be getting around a dozen and a half eggs a day. needless to say i dont eat that many eggs in a day.

my little babe is doing well, but he obviously keeps me busy. he just turned 6 mos. old the other day. here is a recent picture:
i hope to be putting up new pics of the chickens when we get them. i also hope to post some pictures of the improved coop. besides that the adventures in the backyard include cutting down some trees for more light and open area. we also have several raised beds of tomato plants and a few beans and peppers. i envision adding a bed or two each year, but for right now this is plenty. if we ever get tomatos (the cool weather isnt helping nor is day after day of rain), then we will be busy canning for quite some time.

until another day...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

here is the reason...

Here is the reason that I haven't blogged in what seems like forever. He is adorable, isnt he?! Well, I should probably change the title of the blog from adventures in our backyard to adventures in life because the focus has certainly left the backyard and is more in the crib inside the house. However, as much as we are enjoying being parents, we still talk about what we want to do in the backyard this spring and summer.

First off, we need to get a few more chickens. I say a few, Bill says many. We actually have "lost" two chickens over the course of the winter. One was a month or so ago and once was just recently. There were chicken feathers all over our yard the other morning and we haven't had 5 chickens since then.

Bill would also like to add ducks and geese to the collection in the back. I, however, am completely against this. It just seems like more work than we need right now. We have a hard enough time keeping up with the chickens lately that I would feel bad adding more the plate. If you ask Bill as to why he wants ducks and geese please be prepared for a long conversation, though interesting, it will be long...

Also, we are talking about the garden again. Our garden failed miserably, mostly due to the fact that I couldnt do a thing last summer with my morning sickness. This summer I plan it to be a lot different. I hope Liam likes hanging out in the dirt with his mom. We decided we need to do some raised beds and move the garden to a different area of the yard in order to get enough sun light. Hopefully this will solve some of the issues we had last summer. I cant wait to grow my yellow pear tomatoes. We coudnt get the seeds last year as every place we checked was out of them. Bill surprised me a few weeks ago with that glorious little yellow packet containing my favorite kind of tomato. I really hope it all turns out!

That is all for now! lots of love and many blessings!