Sunday, February 3, 2008

The adventure begins...

Well, the adventure has begun. We picked up our baby chicks yesterday and thus we have started into one of the many undertakings for the backyard. I guess it really isn't a backyard thing quite yet as the chicks are technically in our living room! They won't be in the backyard for a few more months.

We are super excited to have the babies with us and they are growing so fast already. The chicks were born on Monday, shipped on Tuesday to our friend's house, and we took our 6 off their hands on Saturday morning. So far they seem to be doing alright and they have survived their first party with full DJ at our house already. If they can make it through that, they should be able to make it through anything!!

We are learning a lot about this whole chicken raising thing already. Like all they do is eat, sleep, and poop. Although today one of the girls (as I like to call them) has decided it would be fun to test out her wings and flew on top of the feeders. Now mind you if she did this again from that point, she could fly right out the box. It looks like I am going to have to keep a close eye on that one. Now, if I could only tell them apart so I knew which one to watch!

These pictures are from our first morning with the girls and also a picture of the birthday boy!


Jen said...

sounds like the "girls" are going to be keeping you guys busy. i love the blog!! definitely bookmarking this one!

Kate D said...

ummm...i would like to hear more about the party with the full DJ?